We accept orders by email or fax or phone. At this stage we do not provide online shopping. Please email or fax your order to us with the details outlined below in the orders section. Payment is required prior to the order being sent off. We accept payments via bank transfers into the bank of Okinawa or Japan Post Office and PayPal for international orders. Once we recieve notice from iether the bank or post office of your payment, we will continue to process your order. Prior to payment, please wait till your order is confirmed. We will confirm your order via email, fax or phone and ask you to proceed with payment. Please refer to the bank details on the Japanese page HERE
Email Orders
When ordering mangoes it is very important to state the following.
The senders name and address
The senders phone number.
The receivers FULL name and address
The recievers phone number
Grade and price of mangoes
The weight of the box ordered
Number of mangoes in each box (if specified)
Delivery Date or delivery time frame.
Delivery time if necessary. (am / 2-4pm/4-6pm/6-8pm/8-9pm)
Other information or message (for example we can include a personalised message in the box if emailed to us with you order)